100 Error: 101 Entering function 102 Error: Unable to reset the D3D device 103 Error: ETW Events were lost during tracing 104 Error: ETW Buffers were lost during tracing 105 Error: Unable to find the temporary environment variable. Using the current directory instead. 106 Error: The argument '%ws' to function %ws was NULL 107 Error: The argument failed validatation '%ws' in function %ws was NULL 108 Error: The variable '%ws' is NULL in function %ws 109 Error: Out of memory allocating the variable '%ws' in function %ws 110 HRESULT = %x 111 Error: SetThreadPriority failed 113 Error: Unable to compute idle time from Context Switch events 114 Error: Unable to create the D3D device 115 Error: Unable to create texture to load bitmap image from resource 116 Error: Initialization of the D3D library failed 117 Error: Unable to create a window to display D3D content 119 Error: Unable to start the Kernel Event Tracing Log 120 Error: Unable to stop the Process Event Tracing Log 121 Error: Unable to stop the Kernel Event Tracing Log 122 Error: Unable to process the Event Tracing log file 123 Error: Unrecognized or invalid command line option '%ws' 124 Error: There are invalid characters on the command line '%ws' 126 Error: Unable to create distribution '%s %s' from the string provided 127 Error: Unable to create a thread to run the assessment 128 Error: Unable to create an index buffer 129 Error: Unable to create a vertex buffer 130 Warning: Multi-sample with %u samples is not available on this hardware 131 Error: A fullscreen D3D Device with width of %u height of %u and Refresh rate of %u ( zero means full frame rate ) is unsupported by this device 132 Error: The switch '%s' cannot accept the parameter '%s' 133 Error: The switch '%s' cannot accept the parameter '%s'. It is too small. The parameter minimum is %d 134 Error: The switch '%s' cannot accept the parameter '%s'. It is too large. The parameter maximum is %d 135 Error: The assessemnt was unable to create the background vertex declaration 136 Error: The assessemnt was unable to create the RenderTarget 137 Error: The assessment was unable to get the surface from the RenderTarget 138 Error: Unable to convert text for '%ws' 139 Error: Unable to create the vertex/index buffers with %u vertecies and %u indecies. 140 Error: Unable to check the capabilities of the video card because a d3d device could not be created 141 Error: Unable to get the current screen resolution 142 Error: Unable to load the resource from the IStream interface 143 Error: Unable to lock the bits in the GDI+ Bitmap 144 Allocating resources for the the Direct3D9 Assessment 145 Running the Direct3D9 Assessment 146 Completed the Direct3D9 Assessment 147 Setting up the Aero Assessment 148 Running the Aero Assessment 149 Completed the Aero Assessment 150 Setting up the Direct3D Alpha Blend Assessment 151 Running the Direct3D Alpha Blend Assessment 152 Completed the Direct3D Alpha Blend Assessment 153 Setting up the Direct3D ALU Assessment 154 Running the Direct3D ALU Assessment 155 Completed the Direct3D ALU Assessment 156 Setting up the Direct3D Texture Load Assessment 157 Running the Direct3D Texture Load Assessment 158 Completed the Direct3D Texture Load Assessment 159 Error: Unable to create the StreamWrapper class. Perhaps the resource id %d does not exist 220 Error: Unable to load or parse the shaders from the resource 221 Error: Unable to compile the simple pixel shader for the assessment 222 Error: Unable to compile the simple vertex shader for the assessment 223 Error: Unable to compile the glass pixel shader for the assessment 224 Error: Unable to compile the glass vertex shader for the assessment 225 Error: Unable to create the simple pixel shader for the assessment 226 Error: Unable to create the simple vertex shader for the assessment 227 Error: Unable to create the glass pixel shader for the assessment 228 Error: Unable to create the glass vertex shader for the assessment 229 Error: The pixel shader support in the Graphics hardware is insufficient to run this Graphics assessment 230 Error: The vertex shader support in the Graphics hardware is insufficient to run this Graphics assessment 231 Error: The Graphics assessment cannot run because the Graphics hardware does not support post-pixel blending 232 Error: The Graphics assessment cannot run because the Graphics hardware does not support scissor rect clipping 233 Error: The Graphics assessment cannot run because the Graphics hardware does not support MinFiltering on the StrechRect interface 234 Error: Unable to set the vertex declaration 235 Error: Unable to create the background texture for the Graphics assessment 236 Error: Unable to create state block 237 Error: Unable to create a texture 238 Error: Unable to create the vertex declaration 239 Error: Unable to fill the texture 240 Error: Unable to create the texture used to read the backbuffer for the glass effect 241 Error: Unabel to get the surface from the glass texture 242 Error: Unable to get the backbuffer surface 243 Error: Glass effect is not supported when using front-to-back rendering 244 Error: Unable to lock texture 245 Error: Unable to set the scissor rect clip 246 Error: Unable to set the viewport clip 247 The Graphics assessment was stopped by the user 325 The D3D Assessment was stopped by the user. 326 Created %u D3D Pixel Shaders 327 Created %u D3D Vertex Shaders 328 Permuting ALU Shaders with %u texture coordinates 329 Permuting Texture Shaders with %u texture coordinates 330 The textures for the D3D assessment were created successfully 331 The vertex declarations for the D3D assessment were created successfully 332 The sphere objects for the D3D assessment were created successfully 333 The vertex and pixel shaders for the D3D assessment were created successfully 334 The D3D assessment has processed the command line 335 The RenderTarget for the D3D assessment was created successfully 336 The Depth/Stencil for the D3D assessment was created successfully 337 Error: The pixel shader support in the Graphics hardware is insufficient to run this D3D assessment 338 Error: The vertex shader support in the Graphics hardware is insufficient to run this D3D assessment 339 Error: The D3D assessment cannot run because the Graphics hardware does not support post-pixel blending 340 Error: The D3D assessment cannot run becuase the Graphics harware does not support 16-bit floating point render targets 341 Error: The D3D assessment cannot run becuase the Graphics harware does not support post pixel blending on 16-bit floating point render targets 342 Error: Cannot create %u vertecies in one batch 343 Error: Unable to get the vertex shader semantic VSOPT%u from the Effect Compiler 344 Error: SetLiteral failed on vertex semantic %d 345 Error: Unable to get the pixel shader semantic PSOPT%u from the Effect Compiler 346 Error: MultiByteToWideChar was unable to transcribe the shader cache path 347 Error: The D3D assessment was unable to find the shader cache path 348 Warning: There are too many indecies to create the batch of spheres. Reducing batch size from %u to %u 349 Error: Unable to lock the vertex buffer 350 Error: Unable to lock the index buffer 351 Error: Unable to unlock the vertex buffer 352 Error: Unable to unlock the index buffer 353 Error: The simple vertex shader failed to compile 354 Error: The simple pixel shader failed to compile 355 Error: The RenderTarget shader failed to compile 356 Error: SetBool failed on Handle %u 357 Error: Unable to compile permuted vertex shader %u 358 Error: Unable to compile permuted pixel shader %u 359 Error: Unable to load or parse the simple shaders from resources 360 Error: Unable to load or parse the ALU shaders from resources 361 Error: Unable to load or parse the Texture shaders from resources 362 Error: Unable to load the simple vertex shader from the shader cache 363 Error: Unable to load the RenderTarget shader from the shader cache 364 Error: Unable to load the simple pixel shader from the shader cache 365 Error: Unable to load the vertex shader %u from the shader cache 366 Error: Unable to load the pixel shader %u from the shader cache 367 Error: CreateShaders failed to produce a valid shader cache 368 Error: The D3D assessemnt was unable to create a necessary texture 369 Error: The D3D assessemnt was unable to fill a necessary texture 370 Error: The D3D assessemnt was unable to create vertex declaration %u 371 Error: Unable to set the correct file permissions on the shader cache 373 Error: The D3D assessemnt was unable to create the Depth-Stencil Surface 375 WinSAT Direct3D Assessment 376 Assessing the performance of the graphics hardware 400 Storage Performance Assessment via Profiling 401 This operation provides metrics on disk performance via a profiling mechanism. Sequential Read/Write and Random Read/Write operations are performed. The metrics are in MB/s. 402 Sequential 403 Random 404 Read 405 Write 406 Cannot get working set size 407 Error: Invalid Disk Number specifier: '%ws' 408 Error: Missing Disk Number specifier 409 CommandLine: '%s' 410 Error: Invalid number of Iterations specifier: '%ws' 411 Error: Invalid number of Iterations specifier 412 Error: Invalid IO Count specifier '%ws' 413 Error: Invalid IO Count specifier 414 Error: Invalid Sequential IO size specifier '%ws' 415 Error: Invalid Sequential IO size specifier 416 Error: Invalid Random IO size specifier '%ws' 417 Error: Invalid Random IO size specifier 418 Error: There is extra text on the command line 419 Error: Invalid mode specifier: 0x%08x 420 Error: I/O type and size are not compatible. 421 Mode Flags = 0x%08x 422 Disk Number = %u 423 Iterations = %u 424 IO Count = %u 425 Sequential IO Size = %u 426 Random IO Size = %u 427 Error: Failed to properly assess the disk.\n%ws 428 \n Requesting a file of size %u located at physical offset 0x%I64x.\n 429 Error: IO Failed, retrying. 430 Error: IO Failed, not retrying. %wsFileEx failed (GLE = 0x%08x). 431 Error: IOCompRoutine (GLE = 0x%08x). 432 Vol %ws[0x%I64x-0x%I64x][%I64d]: Ideal LCN => %I64d / CurLCN => %I64d. 433 Already in OK position LCN => %I64d. 434 Retrieving bitmap from LCN %I64d, scanning bitmap and favoring %ws. 435 Attempting to move %u clusters to LCN of %I64d. 436 Moved file: LCN => %I64d / Physical Offset => 0x%I64x. 437 Run[%u] Type[0x%08x] Zone[%u] - %f MB/s 438 Error: A tag must be specified with the save traces option. 439 Error: The -drive option can not be specified with the -n option 440 Error: Invalid Drive Letter Specifier: '%ws'. Valid syntax, for example, would be '-drive c'. 441 Error: The drive letter specified contains more than one extent. The drive to be assessed needs to be allocated contiguously and should only span one disk. 500 Error: Unable to set thread priority for CPU %u 501 Error: Unable to initialize workspace for CPU %u 502 Error: Unable to allocate uncompressed buffer for CPU %u 503 Error: Unable to lock uncompressed buffer for CPU %u 504 Error: Unable to allocate compressed buffer for CPU %u 505 Error: Unable to lock compressed buffer for CPU %u 506 Error: Unable to measure timestamp frequency for CPU %u 507 Error: Pass %u for CPU %u failed to compress the buffer 508 Error: Pass %u for CPU %u failed to decompress the buffer 509 Error: Instructed to stope the thread on CPU %u 510 Error: The time measurment delta is too high for CPU %u 511 Error: Unable to obtain accurate results for CPU %u 512 Error: Unable to allocate the workspace buffer for CPU %u 513 Error: Unable to lock the workspace buffer for CPU %u 514 WinSATCPUAssessment 515 CPU Assessment 516 Measures CPU performance by performing a series of operations. Options include encryption compression at this time. 517 Error: Assessment mode not specified. valid options are: -encryption, -compression 519 Error: There is extra text on the command line 520 Error: Unable to create all per-CPU threads 521 Error: Unable to retrieve working set requirements 522 Error: Unable to set working set size\n %s 523 Error: Wait on thread completion failed 524 Error: Unable to get the thread exit codes 525 Error: Thread %u failed 526 Error: one or more worker threads failed 528 Error: '%.64s' is invalid for use with the '-buffersize' switch 529 Error: Invalid buffer size 530 Error: Unable to initialize Cpyptographic context for CPU %u 531 Error: Unable to allocate the source buffer for CPU %u 532 Error: Unable to lock the source buffer for CPU %u 533 Error: Unable to allocate the cypher buffer for CPU %u 534 Error: Unable to lock the cypher buffer for CPU %u 535 Error: Pass %u for CPU %u failed to encrypt the buffer 536 Error: Pass %u for CPU %u failed to decrypt the buffer 537 Error: Unable to set the process priority class 538 Error: Unabel to set the thread priority 539 Error: The buffer size is too big. Max is %s 540 Error: The buffer size is too small. Min is %s 541 Error: The minimum time must be a positive integer 542 Error: the specified minimum time is too large, max is %g seconds 543 Error: the specified minimum time is too small, min is %g seconds 544 Error: The maximum time must be a positive integer 545 Error: the specified maximum time is too large, max is %g seconds 546 Error: the specified maximum time is too small, min is %g seconds 547 Error: the maximum run time (%g) must be greater than or equal to the minimum (%g) run time 548 Warning: running forever, specified min or max run times ignored 549 Warning: The RDTSC to QPC delta is too high ( CPU %u ) 550 The specified file is too large 551 The specified file is zero length 552 The specified file could not be read 553 Error: CPU Thread %d - Can't rotate buffer 554 Error: The input file does not exist\n %s\n 555 Error: The input file is too large\n %s\n 556 Error: The input file is too small: must be greater than %d bytes\n %s\n 600 WinSATMemTest 601 System memory performance assessment 602 This operation measures the memory performance of system memory by copying data from one memory buffer to another. SSE or MMX instructions are registers used for the copy (as appropriate). The metric is bytes per second. 606 Error: The destination offset is to big. Max is 607 Error: The user supplied test name is invalid 608 Error: '%.64s' is invalid for use with the '-i' switch 609 Error: There is extra text on the command line '%s' 610 Error: No SSE on x64 611 Error: Unable to run assessment in a WOW process 612 Error: This assessment only supports up to %u processors 613 Error: Unable to set the working set size 614 Error: Unable to set the process priority class 615 Error: Unable to set the thread priority 616 Error: Unable to allocate memory for threads 617 Error: Unable to create per-cpu threads 618 Error: Unable to create completion thread 619 Error: Wait on thread completion failed 620 Error: No operations found 621 Error: Unable to get thread exit codes 622 Error: Thread %u failed 623 Error: One or more worker threads failed 624 Error: Unable to set the thread priority ( CPU %u ) 625 Error: Unable to allocate the sample manager memory ( CPU %u ) 626 Error: Unable to allocate the memory buffer 627 Error: Unable to lock the memory buffer 628 Error: Unable to lock the destination memory buffer 629 Error: Unable to measure the timestamp frequency 630 Error: Unable to free the memory buffer ( CPU %u ) 631 Error: Thread was stopped ( CPU %u ) 632 Error: Failure in the other thread, unable to continue ( CPU %u ) 633 Error: The RDTSC to QPC delta is too high ( CPU %u ) 634 Error: Unable to obtain accurate results ( CPU %u ) 635 Terminate immediatly 636 Error: Unable to create thread 637 Error: Unable to set the thread affinity mask 638 Error: Unable to set the thread's ideal CPU 639 Error: '%.64s' is invalid for use with the '-buffersize' switch 640 Error: '%.64s' is invalid for use with the '-do' switch 651 Error: The buffer size is too big. Max is 652 Error: The buffer size is too small. Min is 653 Error: The iterations value is too large. Max is 654 Error: The iterations value is too small. Min is 655 Error: The minimum time must be a positive integer 656 Error: the specified minimum time is too large, max is %g seconds 657 Error: the specified minimum time is too small, min is %g seconds 658 Error: The maximum time must be a positive integer 659 Error: the specified maximum time is too large, max is %g seconds 660 Error: the specified maximum time is tool small, min is %g seconds 661 Error: the maximum run time (%g) must be greater than or equal to the minimum (%g) run time 662 Warning: running forever, specified min or max run times ignored 663 Warning: The RDTSC to QPC delta is too high ( CPU %u ) 710 Error: The pixel shader version supported by the device is insufficient to run the Aurora 711 Error: The vertex shader version supported by the device is insufficient to run the Aurora 712 Error: Unable to create the background vertex declaration 713 The command line was processed successfully 714 Error: Unable to lock the vertex buffer 715 Error: Unable to unlock the vertex buffer 716 Error: Unable to unlock the index buffer 717 Error: Unable to lock the index buffer 718 Error: Unable to parse the aurora fx file 719 Aurora 720 Aurora 721 Error: Unable to reset the display back to the original settings 722 Error: Unable to enumerate the current display settings 723 Error: The requested display resolution %ux%ux32 is not supported by the video card 724 Error: Unable to set the requested display resolution %ux%ux32 725 Error: Unable to load texture resource %d 800 WinSATMediaTest 801 Media Decode/Encode Assessment 802 This operation measures the performance of the system by decoding and/or encoding a file containing video and audio streams. The process takes advantage of hardware acceleration if available. The metric is total time required to finish the file. 803 Error: Assessment is not running. 804 Error: Assessment is already running. 805 Error: Assessment was stopped prematurely (probably cancelled). 806 Error: Assessment could not be started. 807 Error: There is extra text on the command line: '%s' 808 Error: The -dumpgraph switch must be followed by a filename to write to. 809 Error: The -input switch must be followed by a filename to read from. 810 Error: You must specify an input file to decode! 811 Error: The -encode switch must be followed by a filename to read from. 812 Error: The -saveas switch must be followed by a filename to write to. 813 Error: An incompatible combination of switches was specified. 814 Error: The test framework rejected the proposed configuration. 815 Error: WinSAT failed to initialize COM. 816 Error: WinSAT failed to create temporary files. 817 Error: WinSAT failed to dump the DirectShow graph to disk. 818 Error: WinSAT failed to retrieve per-frame statistics. 819 Error: WinSAT failed to initialize the filter graph. 820 Error: WinSAT failed to configure the filter graph for maximum speed. 821 Error: WinSAT failed to start the filter graph. 822 Error: WinSAT failed to load the encoding profile. 823 Error: WinSAT failed to initialize the WMV encoder. 824 Error: WinSAT failed to connect the input file to the WMV encoder. 825 Error: WinSAT failed to adjust the encoding profile to match the input file. 826 Error: WinSAT failed to initialize the video renderer. 827 Error: WinSAT failed to initialize the audio renderer. 828 Error: WinSAT failed to connect the input file to the audio/video renderers. 829 Error: WinSAT failed to redirect the audio track. 830 Error: Synchronization failure -- aborting test. 831 Error: DirectShow events could not be delivered -- aborting test. 832 Error: DirectShow reported an error in the filter graph -- aborting test. 833 Error: DirectShow reported cancellation by user -- aborting test. 834 Error: Maximum duration exceeded, machine too slow -- aborting test. 835 Error: Could not assess multimedia performance. 836 Error: Failed to start NT Kernel Logger. 837 Error: Failed to log a mark to the NT Kernel Logger. 838 Error: Failed to stop NT Kernel Logger. 839 Error: An error occurred while processing the kernel trace log. 1000 WinSATMFTest 1001 Media Foundation Playback Assessment 1002 This operation measures the performance of the system by decoding a file containing video and audio streams. The process takes advantage of hardware acceleration if available. The metric is total time required to finish the file. 1003 Error: Assessment is not running. 1004 Error: Assessment is already running. 1005 Error: Assessment was stopped prematurely (probably cancelled). 1006 Error: Assessment could not be started. 1007 Error: There is extra text on the command line: '%s' 1008 Error: The -input switch must be followed by a filename to read from. 1009 Error: You must specify an input file to decode! 1010 Error: Media Foundation could not be loaded. (MF is Vista only!) 1011 Error: Could not initialize COM. 1012 Error: Could not initialize Media Foundation. 1013 Error: Could not create the playback window. 1014 Error: Could not resolve the input file. (Is it present, and of a correct format?) 1015 Error: Could not create a media session for the input file. 1016 Error: Could not build a topology to decode the input file. 1017 Error: Could not start playback. 1018 Error: An error was reported by Media Foundation while playing the file. 1019 Error: This input file requires the PMP to play, but -nopmp was specified. 1020 Error: User closed playback window -- aborting test. 1021 Error: Maximum duration exceeded, machine too slow -- aborting test. 1022 Error: Could not assess Media Foundation performance. 10001 Error: The Application path and file name do not exist on the command line 10002 Error: Can't get file version information from the exuctable 10003 Error: Can't get the program version information from the executable 10004 Error: No pipe name specified with -pipe 10005 Error: When the -pipe switch is specified, no other parameters should be on the command line 10006 Error: Could not connect to named pipe 10007 Error: Could not receive command line from pipe 10008 Error: Invalid assesment name '%s' 10009 Error: No file name specified with -xml 10010 Error: unable to allocate memory 10011 Connecting to named pipe '%ws' 10012 Error: Connection to named pipe '%s' failed 10013 Error: Unable to find the HTML resource '%ws'%u 10014 Unique filename obtained: %ws 10015 Error: Cannot open Data Store File for read '%ws' 10016 Error: Cannot open Data Store File for write '%ws' 10017 Error: Cannot read unicode header from data Store '%ws' 10018 Error: Cannot read from data Store '%ws' 10019 Error: Cannot write Unicode Indicator to data store '%ws' 10020 Error: Cannot write to data Store '%ws' 10021 FeatureEnumeration 10022 Feature Enumeration 10023 This operation enumerates the features of the machine 10024 Error: Extra command line tokens '%ws' 10025 Error: Unable to create an Event 10026 Error: WinSAT does not support execution on Itanium processors 10027 Error: WinSAT does not support execution of its 32-bit image on a 64-bit version of Windows. Please run the native 64-bit version 10028 Error: Unable to aquire mutex 10029 Error: Another copy of WinSAT is already running 10030 Error: Unexpected Pipe Command 10031 Error: Unable to initialize WMI 10032 Error: Can't get WinSAT data store path 10033 Error: Can't search for files 10034 Error: Can't delete excess file 10035 Error: Cannot create XML Stream. 10036 Error: Unable to create the WinSAT directories 10037 Error: Unable to set the process priority class 10038 Error: Unable to set the thread priority 10039 Error: Bad iteration value - must be postive integer gerater than zero 10040 Error: No file name specified with -admp 10041 Success 10042 Failure 10043 Interfence 10044 Canceled 10045 Error: XML fails schema validation 10046 Error: Failed to load XML 10047 Error: NO filie name specified with -csv 10048 Error: Can't open file '%s'\n %s\n 10049 Error: Can't write to file '%s'\n %s\n 10050 Warning: Can't run D3D Assessment - no pixel shader 2.0 support 10051 Warning: Can't run D3D Assessment - no DX9 Support 10052 Warning: Can't run DWM Assessment - no pixel shader 2.0 support 10053 Warning: Can't run DWM Assessment - no DX9 Support 10054 Warning: Can't run DWM Assessment - no LDDM Support 10055 Warning: Can't get CPU %s cache size 10056 Error: A process command line does not exist 10057 Error: Cannot open the named cancel event '%s'. 10058 Error: No file handle specified with the -cancelevent switch 10059 Error: Cannot Measure Time Stamp Counter (TSC) Frequency 10060 Error: Cannot detect WOW process state 10061 Error: Failed to load the WinSAT schema from the resource 10062 Error: Failed to load the WinSAT schema into the DOM 10063 Error: The WinsAT XML does not adhere to the schema 10064 Warning: Schema checking has been turned off because a suitable version of MSXML was not found. The XML has not been validated against the schema. 10065 Error: The required MSXML Version not available 10066 Error: Cannot load the XML document for Console transform 10067 Error: Failed to load the WinSAT XSL transform from the resouces 10068 Error: Failed to load the WinSAT XSL transform into the DOM 10069 Error: Failed to perform the output transform 10070 Error: Failed to generate any XML from the output transform 10071 Error: Cannot write the transformed data to the output stream 10072 Error: Cannot get the WinSAT directory name 10073 Error: The assessment name is invalid 10074 Error: Cannot create the wait event for the assessment 10075 Error: Cannot reset the termination event 10076 Error: Cannot set the Console Control-C handler 10077 Running: 10078 Trying to stop the Assessment 10079 Error: Unable to stop the Assessment 10080 The Assessment stopped successfully 10081 Error: The Assessment wait event timed out 10082 Error: The Assessment wait event was abandoned 10083 Run Time 10084 The System processor power policy was restored 10085 Error: The input file is unicode which is unsupported 10086 Error: %ws:%d The line is too long 10087 Error: %ws:%d A formal assessment cannot be run from an assessment script 10088 Error: The command line is invalid 10089 Error: Use -? or -help for information on running this program 10090 Error: Cannot initialize COM 10091 Error: Cannot get the system power control capability information 10092 The System supports dynamic CPU power managment 10093 The System does not supports dynamic CPU power managment 10094 System processor power policy saved and set to 'max performance' 10095 Running the Formal Assessment 10097 Total Run Time 10098 Error: Cannot create formal command lines for the Disk Assessment 10099 Error: Cannot get the Disk Assessment data 10100 Disk Performance 10101 Error: Cannot get the Memory Assessment data 10102 Memory Performance 10103 Error: Cannot get the CPU Assessment data 10104 CPU Performance 10105 Encyryption Assessment 10106 Compression Assessment 10107 Error: Cannot get the D3D Assessment data 10108 Direct3D9 Performance 10109 Error: Cannot get the DWM Assessment data 10110 Graphics Performance 10111 Video Memory Throughput 10112 Error: Cannot get the Media Assessment data 10113 Dshow Video Encode Time 10114 Dshow Video Decode Time 10115 Error: Cannot get the formal flag 10116 Error: Cannot load the xml from the string 10117 Error: The XML is malformed 10118 Sample allocation count 10119 Minimum sample block size 10120 Number of threads 10121 The data is cached 10122 The data is uncached 10123 Info: Skipping the XML schema check 10124 Info: GetLogicalProcessorInformation() not supported on this OS 10125 Error: Cannot create completion thread 10126 Error: There are too many processors on the system. The Assessment cannot continue 10127 Error: Cannot open the named moobe event '%s'. 10128 Error: Cannot inialize WinSAT\n %s 10129 Direct3D9 Alpha Blend Performance 10130 Direct3D9 ALU Performance 10131 Direct3D9 Texture Load Performance 10132 Direct3D9 Batch Performance 10133 > MOOBE Run Time 10134 > Command Line ' 10135 Assessing desktop graphics performance 10136 Assessing Direct3D9 alpha blend performance 10137 Assessing Direct3D9 texture load performance 10138 Assessing Direct3D9 ALU performance 10139 The Assessment took too long to run and was canceled 10140 Assessing Windows media playback 10141 Assessing CPU performance 10142 Assessing memory performance 10143 Assessing disk performance 10144 Assessment complete 10145 Error: a formal assessment cannot be run remotely over terminal services 10146 Error: assessments invalid - the sytsem tranisitioned to operation on batteries during the assessment 10147 Error: cannot run assessment %s over a terminal server session 10148 Error: a formal assessment cannot be run while runnong on batteries 10149 Error: transition to terminal server session during formal assessment 10150 Error: can't count multimedia files 10151 Error: ths system does not have multi-media support for this operation 10152 Error: formal assessments are not supported on this operating system version 10154 Error: Winsat requires administrative privileges 10155 Error: Cannot initialize process exit values in the registry\n %s 10156 An unkown error has occured 10157 Media Foundation Video Encode Time 10158 Media Foundation Decode Time